Sunat: Nanotechnology and textile medicine will bring health out

Sunat: Nanotechnology and textile medicine will bring health out

June 21 The Innovation China 2012 Suzhou Division, hosted by Entrepreneurial State and co-sponsored by Suzhou Industrial Park, was held at Suzhou Jinling Guanyuan International Hotel. Innovative Suzhou, China, carefully selected 20 innovation projects from the fields of medical health, clean energy and internet. Five winners will be decided. They will enter the finals in Hangzhou on August 23 and 24 and have the opportunity to participate in the competition. DEMO events held in July and October in the United States. The third one is the representative of Suzhou Sunat Technology Co., Ltd. Zheng Min.

Suzhou Sunat Technology Co., Ltd. applies antibacterial , anti-mite, anti-mildew, anti-ultraviolet, far-infrared, anti-mosquito and other special nano-materials to textiles, cosmetics, medicine and other fields, and develops anti-foot gas series and anti-aging skin itching. Series products. This product can effectively treat diseases such as athlete's foot.

Suzhou Sunat Technology Co., Ltd.

The following is a live text record:

Company Introduction:

Sunat: Dear leaders, distinguished guests, good morning! I am Zheng Min, chairman of Sunat Technology Co., Ltd. My topic today is to put on health, health is exercise, health is more common care, influence Many of our usual health factors are in the environment. As you can see from this data, it means that many of our diseases are from the environment. What are the main influencing factors? It is bacteria, diseases such as athlete's foot, itchy skin and so on.

This looks like a very cute (PPT). It is actually very abominable. It is the bacteria that exist around us all the time. How do we solve the problem at a lower cost or in a lower way? It is to wear out health. Sunat was born under this tenet. I am our showroom (PPT). The most distinctive feature is anti-foot socks. This is not an ordinary socks. It can wear athlete's foot and foot odor. It only takes two weeks. That is to say, I can wear my athlete's foot in two weeks, so I can say that it is " a sock that is only available in China . " There are also acne blackheads, as well as antibacterial underwear, far-infrared health underwear, as well as anti-itch pajamas, antibacterial far-infrared health care.

Maybe everyone will ask why it has these special features? This involves our core technologies: 1. Material synthesis. 2. Dispersion technology, you can look at the bottle in my hand. Generally speaking, the biggest problem in the application of nanomaterials is the agglomeration problem. If it is dispersed, the nanotechnology will be lost after application; and our bottle of water is even one year. It will not be dispersed. 3. Combination technology of nano materials and textile materials.

From this picture (PPT), we can more intuitively see why our products have such a function. The left side is the product that has just been inoculated with bacteria, and the right side is 16 hours later; from the left side, it can be seen that when it is just worn There are very few bacteria. After 16 hours, the bacteria on the left socks are very lush; and the bacteria around our Sunat socks are very clean, which is why the socks will smell bad after a day.

We use Sunat this product to join and attract end products, take online and offline, online has been docked with China Mobile Mall and e-commerce, offline in addition to the store, there are direct stores, pharmacies to cooperate, An important piece is technical cooperation, and the international and domestic first-line and second-line brands are docked, and now they have been connected with such companies as Black Peony.

Good technology, good products need team operation. Our entire team is temporarily the general manager of Sunat. I am also the main inventor of the company's technology. Although I have been teaching and researching for a long time, we and The exchanges of enterprises are very close, so in the process of communication and cooperation, they have also accumulated the management experience of the company. In the initial stage of the company, I think I am fully qualified for the company's operation and management. Followed by our technical director Wang Zuoshan Ph.D., he is a Ph.D. of Nanjing University of Science and Technology and a high-level talent in Suzhou. Our marketing director is Ni Wei Mr., I have very good experience in marketing and market management. I will not elaborate on other people.

In general, our company has 20 invention patents before, and now 10 have all been converted to Sunat Technology Co., Ltd., two of which are our application, and one is authorized by Sunat.

All in all, innovation China wins in innovation, Sunat will build a Chinese brand with innovation, thank you for listening, I hope you will give more valuable suggestions, thank you!

Moderator: Thank you, Mr. Zheng for making a very wonderful show for us. Mr. Zheng put some products on the table of every judge, and then listened to the advice of the judges. Please ask General Wei

Guest Comments:

Wei Hongbo: Just listening to the introduction, I feel that the product has some bright spots. I have a question. The socks are a very popular product. The market will not get a good chance because of your bright spot. It may not be a technical market. More is a marketing market. I am worried that so many doctors are equivalent to small knives in this market. Can they adapt?

Zheng Min: Hello, Mr. Wei! I think technology can span many fields. Now I use it in the textile market. On the one hand, I am a doctor at China Textile University. In another textile field, it is also very broad, that is, the threshold is the lowest. However, our technology can be used in the medical and cosmetic fields, such as this solution, nano water, which has antibacterial and antipruritic effects, and can be docked with the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

Wei Hongbo: So I have a second problem. I have a technical advantage. I suggest to find a higher entry point. In the popular consumer goods market, more capabilities are not necessarily technical. More may be on the channel, if you have a few better entry points, I would suggest that you can raise the threshold a bit higher, it may be more suitable for you. If we are in the socks market and the PK in the mass consumer goods market, I feel that we will have great challenges.

Moderator: Yu Zong.

Yu Xiang: I very much agree with General Wei’s point of view. I use nanotechnology in textiles and socks. This product was actually used many years ago, so that nanotechnology has a bad reputation among ordinary consumers. Many people hear it. Bio-nano will ask me how about nanotechnology? I always think that nano is a deceptive thing. If you use this product in clothing and socks, how to let consumers accept it is a big problem. The researcher of Zhongtian Nano Institute also wants to do something. I want to have a thing that is really a nano product. This thing has not been done yet, so now nano products are used by ordinary consumers. I feel that it is difficult for everyone to accept it. What Wei said just now, raising the threshold, like the biomedical field, is the application direction.

Zheng Min: Yu Zong, you just said that nanotechnology is a process of gradual recognition in the eyes of customers and people. We are moving nanomaterials to people's livelihood products. There are many nano-textile products on the market that give people a bad impression, but our socks can In addition to the drug of Dakening, this is our bright spot. This can be entered into thousands of households. Everyone will say that nanotechnology is really so good, so this concept and technology have a certain role in improving people's minds. Yu, you just said that the threshold is higher, but we don't have such an idea yet, but we are waiting for such an opportunity in development.

Zhu Feng: I myself is a student who has studied materials and has seen many new materials. Are you a sock company or a technology company? I think that your team is not a textile team, but a technical team, depending on you. In terms of experience and personal ability, it is more beneficial to do research and development.

Zheng Min: Mr. Zhu, thank you for your suggestion. Our marketing model is two points, one is the mid-end product, the second is the technical cooperation, the technical cooperation is the ultimate goal, but why is the textile industry? One is with me and There is a relationship between the contacts; in addition, I use the mid-end products to have the effect of throwing bricks and jade. After the mid-end is produced, other companies will come to me to cooperate. He said that I can license your nano-water to me and do skin care with me. The thing I think is to use this product to support the use of jade, not to say that textile products have always been done, this is not our ultimate goal.

Moderator: Is there any other suggestion?

Huang Tianzhu: For nanotechnology, nanotechnology has many advantages, but from the two modes that Zheng Zong talked about, you made products and opened stores; the second did technical cooperation and technical support, I want to say if You go to make a product, first of all, your team, maybe this is a huge market, socks, towels, clothing, etc. Can your own team do it? If you do technology and make products, those manufacturers will not Think you are competing with them? I hope that you can reposition your business model, or provide intermediates and technical support.

Moderator: Thank you for your advice from the judges. Entrepreneurs should have some choices themselves. Sometimes they may be paranoid, but in any case they hope to combine better technology with people's livelihood. I think it is a benefit. The good things of the country and the people can enable thousands of families to enjoy the improvement brought by polymer technology to their lives. Therefore, I wish you a good company and hope that you will consider some judges from the perspective of profitability and company development strategy. Suggestions, ok.

Zheng Min: Thanks again for this stage, and thank you for your valuable suggestions, thank you!


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